Monday, August 20, 2007

Catching up on Aiden

So much to catch up on...

Kayla Sue had her 21st B'day party this weekend and invited us to attend. We had a great time. When we were ready to leave, Aiden informed us that he wanted to stay. Of course, we strongly encouraged him that he needed to go home, but he was very persistant on staying. When Rick said, "Aiden, don't you want to go home with Daddy?" He very boldly, in his grown up voice, without missing a beat on what he was playing with said, "No, dad, You can go home and I will stay here. It will be okay, Daddy. Allee will protect you!" After everyone stopped laughing and Kayla and her Mom said it was okay, we decided to let him stay. So, he had his first official stay over with and older woman. LOL!

Yesterday, we invited one of his best buds at church to stay after and play and they played so hard they both slept through the entire evening service!

Last night after church, he had a total melt down. He never ever wants to leave church b/c there are so many kids to play with. He never understands why they all have to go home and either can't come to his house or he can't go with them. While he was pitching his fit, Rick jokingly said, Don't ya'll want to take him with you and Ms. Sherry said, "I would love to." Well, that is all those little ears had to hear. After screaming and crying all the way home for no apparent reason, getting put in time out AND getting a spanking for acting so was time for "THE TALK." When we were explaining why he was in trouble and how he is suppose to act , I asked him why he was so upset. Usually he will say, "I don't know." Last night he said, "I wanted to go with Ms. Sherry. She said I could and you didn't let me." It took me a minute to understand where this was coming from. He was still hysterical and very upset about the matter. I finally bribed him ( I know, I gave in, the screaming was AWFUL) into stopping the crying if I would let him call and talk to her on the phone. He agreed. Well, she wasn't home yet, so I told him to hold the phone and wait on it to ring and he could talk. While I walked into the kitchen to fix food, I heard him in the living room staring at the phone and saying in a very scolding voice, "Ring phone, you better ring phone....why are you not ringing....Mommy, it won't said it would ring..." Oh, the drama. He finally got to talk to her so all was well! He was just so very tired from the day's events!

The other day, my niece, her boyfriend and my mom were over. Aiden went and got his Bible and began telling them all about Jesus and the story of Jesus and how he died on the cross to save us from our sins. He went on to tell them that we have to have Jesus in our heart. He pointed to each one of them and said, you all have hearts. I have a heart, you have a heart, we all have hearts and they need Jesus. WOW! This coming from a 3 year old. Rick told him he had summed the Bible up better and probably knew more than some adults. He is just so precious. I thank God for giving me such a miracle in him.

There are so many more stories just over the last few days, but I can't tell them all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest story! I love that child dearly!
Now don't you leave out the story when you update of what he said about "Shelba" last night after the nose hit. "when I get big like my daddy..."- crystal