Monday, June 1, 2009

Aiden turns 5

Oh My!!!! I can't believe it! My baby turned 5 today. As I am writing this, I am full of mixed emotions. Part of me wants to go into my room, shut the door, get all of my home videos and pile up on the bed watching and crying, thinking of all the times I could have been nicer, taught him a better lesson, yelled less, been a better know, think of how fast the years have gone by! It seems like yesterday that I was being wheeled down that scary hallway to the delivery room! But the other part of me chokes back tears of joy and thankfulness that God allowed him to be born in the first place! Most of you know the story of my little miracle and the close call he had with death and I am so happy that he is celebrating his 5th birthday. How can I even think of being sad when he brings me such joy and each day that he grows he learns something more, something different and faces new obstacles. We measured him today and he had grown an inch since March. Pre-school graduation was tough and I know the first day of "big boy" school will be worse. (Okay, I've got to stop before I drown....thanks to my bf, I just finished watching a sad episode of Jon and Kate, too.)

On a lighter note, you all know my Aiden well. He catches on to all that you say. I am always saying how I don't want him to grow up. Today he told me that it is going to be okay that he is growing up because he will just learn more new stories to tell me as he gets older.

He was also flirting with a school friend in church yesterday and had to be moved, his temper has been awful today....I think instead of turning 5 he reverted to 2! But he's my baby and I love him dearly! I can't imagine my life without him (or the others either, of course). I just wish my writing could let you all know him the way we do! He actually did a little marital counseling today. Rick and I were "discussing" our events for the day and our schedule was conflicting a little and I was trying to "help" get it all done to decress his stress. Anywho..we were all in the vehicle together while we were "discussing" (truly, it wasn't a fight), and Aiden (always listening) chimed in to help. I had just said something to the effect of 'you just need to do what you need to do and not worry about me and the kids, we'll do our own thing.' Meaning, don't let our schedule hinder yours. Aiden said, "Dad, I think Mom is right. You just do what you need to do and we will do what we need to do and then ya'll don't have to fight." I quickly told him we were not fighting and then Rick and I got a big laugh out it. So he may be a counselor. He worked for us!


P.S. You know I would love to post a pic but I am one of the 5 people left in the US still on dial up so whereas this post took 5 min to load, the pic would take an eternity! Post some when I can! Hang with me guys.

1 comment:

The Cannons said...

Happy B-Day Aiden!!