Friday, February 27, 2009

Nursery Rhyme Week

This week was nursery rhyme week at preschool. We new we were having dress up at the beginning of the month, but I always wait till the last minute. Aiden wanted to be humpty dumpty and Allee wanted to be Cinderella (not a nursery rhyme). Ms. Crystal told us that SLT was wearing her old fashioned day dress, so I thought that was a great idea. So we looked for a character that I thought would fit her dress and came up with "Mary had a little lamb" and Rick talked Aiden into being "Old MacDonald." Aiden thought he was the coolest with his hanky in his pocket. He isn't squinting his eyes in the picture (he says), he was looking like a farmer. (whatever! and the crossed arms was apparently something to do with a farmer too.)

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