Monday, March 3, 2008

Aiden Plays Drums

I wish I had a picture...
Yesterday was busy, as usual for us. I had a baby shower to attend after morning services, so Janet and I took all three kids with us to the shower. After that, we had a WAC (Women Active for Christ) Meeting at 4:00 and church starts at 5:00. So, there was no time to spare and we went from one task to the next. To make a long story short, I was a little late getting into chuch, Rick had brought the three kids over and someone in the church was taking care of each of them. Well, I walk in late, the music has already started and Rick is in the back of the church taking care of a things. When I sat down, Janet said, "Aiden is playing the drums." WHAT, I said. Sure enough, I looked around and saw his little blonde head poking above the drum set. He was playing with the congregational singing. Now, you have to understand the church we pastor at. We are all like family and Sunday nights are very laid back...but a 3 year old on the drums (and he was keeping a really good beat, even hitting the cymbals every 4 beats or so, not acting up or hitting too hard...amazing). So what happened? Apparently, he was on the drums before chruch (which is standard) and Rick told him to sit down, he asked could he play and Rick said, "Yes, after church." All he heard was YES. So when Rick turned to do something else, Aiden stayed. When the piano player tried to tell him it was time for church to start and he needed to sit down, he politely told her, "No, my daddy said that I could play the drums." And so he did!

I was telling my Mom this morning on the way to drop him off for school and he said, "Mom, everyone was laughing at me. That's not nice to laugh at people, is it Mom."


Anonymous said...

I know if I email the picture you'll never get it on dial up, but the picture is too cute. Also, Aiden did a great job on the drums! We weren't just pacifying the little kid. He was mature, even when it was time to get down. Great going, Aiden.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, last comment was from Renae.

Hollyhand House said...

Aiden is so funny and quite talented!! I hope he has forgiven me for waking Evan at the shower! haha.

Anonymous said...

Hey I think that Aiden did a great job playing the drums. I love spending time with the kids.

Love lots: Briana(Beanna)