Friday, February 22, 2008

Let's Catch Up

I am so embarrassed that it has been this long since I have blogged. Three kids and a slow internet access make it almost impossible to find enough time. I don't really have the time now, but a quick note. You probably won't get pictures for a little while, until I catch up, because it will take forever and a day to upload them.

Let's see, since my last blog, we have had V-day, and a whole lot of sickness! Allee started us off 2 weeks ago, followed by Aiden, then me, then Evan, then Aiden with the FLU this week and now Rick with sinus and taking flu meds, just in case! Wow! We have had a go of it!

However, Rick and I did manage a wonderful V-day in the midst of it all. He suprised me by PLANNING, yes, I said HE planned... a night away. Literally. He arranged babysitters and we went to the Outback, along with the rest of Tuscaloosa County and then away for some romantic rest and relaxation. My sickness had just started, so our night ended with...are you ready for lying in bed while Rick ran out to Wal-Mart for a humidifier and vicks vapor rub. When he returned at 9:30, I was out like a light! We had a great time! I have a wonderful husband who I love very much!

Allee got a new potty and new big girl pants, but it hasn't seemed to help very much. She just has no desire to use the potty. Maybe soon!

We have a new kitty, well, sometimes. NaNa Jan and PaPa M.C gave us a cat, but it only comes home at night to eat, so I never know if we have a cat or not. Her or His name is Prissy. We haven't seen it enough to know what it is, but from the roaming, I think it's a boy.

Evan is growing like a weed. He is sleeping better, only getting up once at night, which is good in my history with babies. He is looking more and more like Rick every day. He has started "playing" with us some and making little coos. I love when babies do new things.

God has blessed us so much. I have finally gotten back on track with my devotions. I started a new book my Beth Moore that I got for Christmas. It is a study on Jesus and thus far we have focused on Mary. It makes me think of how unworthy I am as a human and especially a woman. I mean, would God have ever even considered choosing me to be the mother of the Christ child. I don't think so! I know we can't be perfect, but my goal is to be Godly and I pray that I will be the Godly mother my children need. God has blessed me to get to stay home, and I pray that I will be the right example, not just a housekeeper!

More to come....pray I have time soon to get back on track!

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