Thursday, January 17, 2008

2 weeks old

This is a picture of Evan at 2 weeks old. Of course he is 3 weeks old now, but I can't keep up with my blogs with wonderful dial up. We seriously have got to figure out a way to get cheaper high speed internet at home or I am going to go crazy. He looks more like his daddy every single day...and from what I hear about daddy's baby days, he is acting more like him too. Rick's mom said that he screamed from the time he entered the world until he was about 2 years old. Evan isn't that bad, but he has began to realize when you aren't holding him or in a room with him.

We have had a very tiring, but wonderful week. We had a missions revival with 5 different missionaries sharing the gospel with us. I was blessed each night. Aiden loves to fellowship with new people, so he was able to go out to eat and get to know some of the missionaries. Each missionary really touched my heart and made me realize how inadequate I am at sharing the gospel with others in the convenience and comfort of my own country and home. I have really been challenged and I hope that I can do a better job on my own mission field.

I am sorry I haven't posted many funny stories lately. There certainly has been a lot of them, I am just too scatter brained right now to remember them by the time I get to blog. I will start trying to write it all down at home so that I can share with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evan is SO beautiful! his skin is a beautiful color! he DOES look a lot like Rick. i hope you're getting some rest. hang in there!

love you!