Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Another one from Aiden...
Yesterday, Rick picked him up from school and brought him by the office. I always ask him about school and usually get the "it was fine...I did good...ect. " Yesterday was different. When I asked how school was he said, "Mattie told me she didn't want to be my girlfriend anymore." Now, if you all remember, he has been calling Mattie his girlfriend since he started school and we have sorta ignored it, even though his teacher and Mrs. Sherry confirms the story. So, I responded, "Why did she do that?" "Because I told Annslee to push me in the police car and so Mattie said I couldn't be her boyfriend." I asked, "Did that make you sad?" "Yes, I told Mrs. Michele, but she said, 'It will be okay Aiden'." I was cracking up at this point... Since he was so willing to talk yesterday, I got him to tell his story to a co-worker, who told him that girls are like that and they always change there mind. Aiden told him very matter of factly that she would NOT change her mind. When he was sharing the story with our secretary, he told her word for word what he had told me, but added, "But, she'll change her mind." Ya'll, I am telling you...he is one of a kind! He was full of it yesterday. He went to a sibling class at the hospital last night and Rick said he was cracking everybody up with his sly comments.

He and Allee got into a fight in bed last night! It was quite humerous. Aiden is very soft, to put it mildly and Allee is right opposite. So after her 3rd spanking for getting out of bed, I decided to sit on the side of the bed and try to help out in the situation. Aiden, being soft and sensitive, wanted to comfort her by holding her hand, after he had asked me if she was going to be okay. She very frankly told him to stop and that he could not hold her hand. He kept trying. I was frustrated so of course I probably talked a little too loud when I said, "Just leave her alone. She doesn't like that." Sensitive boy wants to know why Allee is now crying. "Because you made her mad." Now he is crying because I told him he made Allee cry!!!! At one point they were literally fighting over him trying to hold her hand and her fighting him off!

Allee has been saying she will give her pacy to the new baby! (Whatever...I hope and pray)! Yesterday, Rick told her that we just need to throw it away. She hugged it and kissed it and said, "I love my pacy, Daddy." When MiMi asked her about the new baby, she pulled my shirt up and said, "In mommies tumma." MiMi asked her what she was going to do when mommy had another baby to hold (Allee is a huge mommy's girl) and she, obviously misunderstanding the question, said "Baby need pacy. It be cryin." I assume she meant that the baby will cry when it gets here so it will need her pacy!

More to come from the Taylor adventures....

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