Monday, June 25, 2007

Fun in the Sun!!

We just returned from a wonderful, relaxing and exciting trip to Gulf Shores, AL. My in-laws invited us (Me, Rick and the kids) and Rick's sister and two children to the beach with them. It was absolutely wonderful to be at the beach with the whole family. Although, Uncle Danny didn't get to make the trip or it would have been perfect. Aunt "LeLe" is a hoot and the kids love playing with her and their cousins. Of course they love their Nana and Pop.

I have always loved the beach. If you ask me to "go to my happy place" it is always me at the beach, laying out in the sun! Well, it seems my kids are no exception. They loved it. Aiden has been twice before and we took Allee last year when she was 4 months (AWFUL exerience), but they both loved it this year. Aiden found a "sand mountain" that he climbed on, dove off of and tried to destroy, while Allee spent most of her time eating the sand that she had dropped her "nack" (snack) into. Not a moment went by that she wasn't covered from head to toe in sand and loved every minute of it. They both loved the ocean water once we got passed the waves. Allee would walk right into the water all by herself if we weren't watching.

Aiden is certainly a talker. Everywhere we went he was making a friend or talking to someone. I think he told Aunt LeLe is story about falling off the roof 100 times (the story isn't true of course). On more than one occasion I was told by complete strangers..."He has a future in politics, doesn't he?" Well, I don't know about politics, but he did tell the snow cone salesman at the outlet mall that he liked to preach and sing, and even sang her his special version of "Jesus Loves Me".

Allee couldn't be any cuter. Here is a pic of her and her Pop! She loves him to pieces, except when he scolds her...then she pouts really bad for a long time. She trotted around with her little ponytail and bikini like she owned the beach. She even layed out in the sun on her chair a couple of times trying to mock mommy. Of course whenever mommy wanted to lay down, here comes Allee with sandy hands, body, you name it, to lay right across mommy's freshly oiled skin. You can imagine how happy this made me!

The last night, we decided to try some family pictures. This is the four grand-children. Aren't they precious! Keeping Allee still without getting in the sand and Aiden focusing on the task at hand was very difficult. Rick took these photos. The others aren't developed, but I will post as soon as I get them.
Thanks to "NaNa and Pop" for a wonderful vacation. We love you guys.


KIT with the Traweeks said...

ADORABLE! I am so glad that ya'll were able to get away and enjoy yourselves even though I missed you!

Courtney Long said...

Love the blog and the beach pictures! Keep it up! Mom has tried to leave you a message, but she's having trouble w/ her google log-in. Did you realize you have your settings so that only those w/ google accts can leave you comments? Anyway, I love being able to keep up w/ you better now!


Sarah Albin said...

This is great for knowing what is going on in your lives!

PS. Rick looks just like his dad!